Custom Entryway Lockers Will Help You Make the Most Out of Your Mudroom

Do you have a large family? Is it difficult to keep track of everyone’s jackets, mitts, hats, boots and scarves? Do you need a functional space equally suited for doing a load of laundry or supplementing your home’s storage space? If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are you’d benefit from a mudroom. For those unfamiliar with mudrooms, they are more than their name implies; yes, in a very literal sense your mudroom acts as the perfect space for your kids to shed their outdoor clothes and shoes so as not to track dirt throughout your home. But even if your mudroom isn’t very large, it will likely see the same amount of use as one with more generous proportions. Having said that, there are things you can do to make your mudroom more functional – and the best way to do that is to find a way to boost your mudroom storage.   

Think Utility, Think Functionality, and Think Storage Lockers

Though your mudroom may be small, chances are you demand a lot from it on a daily basis. Before you set yourself to the task of redesigning this space so that it will work better for you and your family, take a few minutes to think about and jot down all the things you want your mudroom to accomplish. 

To some homeowners, their wish list may include a pet washing station or a laundry area with accompanying folding station. To others it may mean installing custom cabinetry to store linens and cleaning supplies. The point is, your mudroom can serve many different purposes; if you can wish it, chances are you can implement it. In addition to your wish list, you need to think about how you’ll be using the room – this will help you to figure out the things you’d like to have versus the things you need to have.  

Storage lockers can help to satisfy several needs. First, they give you a designated area where you can store all sorts of items and sort them by the individual they belong to. Custom lockers  can also provide the aesthetic of order in your mudroom even if you personally feel as though your mudroom is essentially managed chaos after the kids get through with it. Some storage lockers even have built-in seating which can come in handy when you have to tie shoes for two, three, or even four children before they can leave the house. 


Materials Matter when Building Custom Lockers

If you were doing a bathroom or kitchen remodeling project, you’d likely think long and hard about the materials you want to use. The same sort of consideration should be given when upgrading your mudroom or building one from scratch. Like bathrooms and kitchens (two rooms where the presence of water is never far off) slate, porcelain tiles, or natural stone make an exemplary choice for the floor. Not only do these materials look great, they’re also perfect for standing up to the constant wear and tear. As for the remaining elements in your mudroom, natural wood looks good, makes comfortable benches, and is generally the material of choice when building custom cabinetry. The nice thing about using natural wood (aside from the benefits just mentioned), is that it won’t chip the same way particle board or plywood might, and remains easy to clean even once it has been painted. 

Convenience is Key

Like many of the other decisions we face on a daily basis, convenience will likely play a significant role in your mudroom design. After all, your mudroom won’t be a place that you’ll choose to relax in (that’s what bathroom remodeling projects are for); your mudroom will be designed to serve a purpose and that purpose needs to be easy to accomplish. Here are a few things to keep in mind when thinking how to make convenience a central theme in your mudroom. 

  • Choose a combination of closets, cabinets, and lockers to keep your mudroom organized and clutter-free.  
  • Install cubbies and hooks for each member of your family so everyone knows where to find what they need (and more importantly, know where to put it away when finished). Hooks and cubbies create a neat aesthetic that you don’t really see anywhere else in your home, but they also make it easier for small children to reach the items they need so you won’t have to get it for them.

Save Room for Seating by Installing Entryway Lockers

When it comes to designing most rooms, the first instinct often settles on ensuring there is ample storage space (if there wasn’t enough) or maintaining the existing storage space (if there is plenty to begin with). But when it comes to mudrooms, there are other design elements that should be given their due.

Benches, for one, offer a comfortable place for putting on shoes but don’t detract from storing items below them or hanging items above them. Adding shelving beneath the bench can increase the allocated storage space three-fold and installing cabinet doors on them can keep the stored items neatly out of sight. 


Some entryway lockers can provide the best of both worlds; offering seating to those who want it and an ample space for storing items. 

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